Live Event Postponed
Going Virtual 10/12/20
A Special Message from Dr. Rosie Milligan Reference:
Postponement of Black Writers On Tour and So. Cal Black Business & Tech Expo
With much regret, we are postponing this year’s event. As you know most city facilities are limiting the number of people who may attend an event. Please note churches across the country are canceling their church services. This year’s event was slated to be the largest ever, as we had added technology to the event. The media has scared the public away from attending events. It’s just not a safe time and we do not want to put anyone in harm's path. We do not want to subject you or your family, to any possibility of the risk of contracting the Coronavirus. We will notify you of the new slated date once this Pandemic attack has ceased. We will market the next event in the same fashion—it will be great as planned. My prayers are for all of us. We will get through this too! Keep Hope Alive! To Your Success!
Dr. Rosie Milligan
P; 323-750-3592